I love and respect women. I work mostly with women.

That's a great way to work out when on the road, and it's fun. I love to lift women up.

I would love to do really great work and for women who are marginalised to see me as an inspiration.

There's a spirit of Latina women in all of my work, in the love of the body and the strong sense of self.

Women are more likely to have sex and fall in love, which can be tough because that's not the way men work.

Women love to be asked more about their clothes than their work. We're dolls; we made a wish to become alive.

I love to work on a set whether it's mostly men or mostly women, but there's something about being in a community of women that changes the energy.

I would just love to do something where I'd have to train and work really hard and do one of those types of action movies, which a lot of women are doing now.

We have to address the safety of women, and that is of utmost importance right now. I would love to work only with people with ethics and the right moral conduct.

I think it's very important for children to understand that women work and that it's fulfilling, and it doesn't mean that they love you any less or care about you any less.

Latin men love Latin women, it is part of the culture, we celebrate women in a very special way and I think that is present in my work. I do it by making them beautiful, sensual.

I love the fact that there are also women out there that don't have a choice and they must go to work and they still have to raise the kids. Thank goodness that we value those people too.

I think my work shows that I love women. I understand where these types of criticisms are coming from because black people have been so dogged out in the media, they're just extra sensitive.

I'm quite drawn to women artists who use themselves in their work. There is a very feminine point of view, the use of female archetypes. I love artists who play with those kind of things genuinely.

Until women learn to want economic independence, and until they work out a way to get this independence without denying themselves the joys of love and motherhood, it seems to me feminism has no roots.

To see two couples that are battling to make it work just shows that love is in a marriage, but there are also trials and things that you have to make it through and showing women and men how to keep it spicy.

I love traveling around and talking to women in groups like the Girl Scouts, and being able to work with them is such an honor. For me, it's always about working really hard and being able to help other people, which is what I've done with both of my books.

I love how the men stand around cooking the barbie while the women have done all the work beforehand doing the marinade and making the salads and then everybody says, 'what a great barbie' to the guy cooking. A barbecue is just the ultimate blokes' pastime, isn't it?

I'm pedantic about lip balm. I've been chomping through Lip Smackers since age 11. So the lip balm called Lips! is a personal favourite. I also really love the Properly Clean cleanser. Women are wearing primer, sunscreen and makeup, so a cleanser needs to work hard these days.

Cameras love pretty girls and craggy, old character men more than they can take craggy, old character women. But that's what's always happened. Work out how you can fit into it, and make that work. There are never going to be millions of parts for older actresses because there never were.

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