Awake, arise or be for ever fall’n.

Father Lucifer, you never looked so sane.

Lucifer is God in the public school system

God Is, Lucifer is a devil, and there is a Hell.

Lucifer’s hairy ball sack! You’ve become a morlock.

I sold my soul to the devil. Lucifer will have my soul.

Move over Lucifer, I'm more ruthless, leave you toothless.

I wanted to marry Lucifer. I feel his presence in my music.

Even Lucifer looked impressed. He muttered, "Only Lucinda could pull that off.

Michael: There's nothing here to fear. Lucifer: Well, there's always the truth.

On some of my darkest days, Lucifer's the one who comes and gives me an ice cream.

Never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep.

When angels go bad they are worse than anyone else. Remember Lucifer used to be an angel.

Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer... and we are his chosen people.

He looked like a fallen angel, replete with all the dangerous male beauty that Lucifer could devise.

I have been to Heaven, I've been to Hell, I've been possessed by Lucifer. You can't really get much bigger than that.

And when and Eve submitted unto Satan they are the ones that empowered Satan. In a sense Man made Satan. God created Lucifer but Man made Satan.

I wanted to marry Lucifer... I don't consider Lucifer an evil force...I feel his presence with his music. I feel like he comes and sits on my piano.

Dialogic is not to be identified with love. But love without dialogic, without real outgoing to the other, reaching to the other, the love remaining with itself - this is called Lucifer.

For you, my darlings, freedom to do what you like is the discovery of how unlikable what you like to do makes you. Not that that stops you doing what you like, since you like doing what you like more than you like liking what you do... [Lucifer]

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