I was madly in love with life.

I have a son in Barcelona whom I am madly in love with.

Mark my words, Princess,” Loki said. “One day, you’ll be madly in love with me.

While being madly in love is fun, perhaps one should aspire to be sanely in love.

Kalki is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am madly in love with her.

When Tony was madly in love with me, his relationship with Vanessa Redgrave was ending.

Every pilot I've ever written, I've fallen deeply and madly in love with. It's the only way I work.

If only I could find a guy who wasn't in his 70s to talk to me about white cranes, I'd be madly in love.

Women are often under the impression that men are much more madly in love with them than they really are.

It's so much easier to convince yourself you're madly in love with someone when you know nothing about him.

Like any teenager who reads The Great Gatsby, probably, I was madly in love with the teacher who had opened it up for me.

Impulsively, I lean forward and kiss him, stopping his word. This is probably overdue anyway since he’s right, we are supposed to be madly in love.

The only crush I have is on Chris Colfer. I’m madly in love with him… I just, like, I doodle in my prop notebooks, ‘I heart Chris Colfer’ over and over and over again.

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