Lette me stande to the maine chance.

I'm from Maine. I eat apple pie for breakfast.

Maine is a movable music festival in the summertime.

I went to college on the East Coast in Portland, Maine.

Goodnight you princes of Maine, you kings of New England.

In the fall term of 1933-34 I was on my family farm in Maine.

I'm working for the people of Maine, not the whales of Maine.

In Maine, nobody is required to belong to a union or pay dues.

The fact is, even one Maine kid going hungry is one kid too many.

I would really rather feel bad in Maine than feel good anywhere else

Winter in Maine is a time of alternating rest and frenzied activity.

I felt like I'd been misplaced in the cosmos and I belonged in Maine.

Winter in #‎ Maine is a time of alternating rest and frenzied activity.

About 47 percent of able-bodied people in the state of Maine don’t work.

I love the smell of freshly cut grass. It takes me back to summers in Maine.

Just as the Red Sox proved the critics wrong, Maine can compete and can win.

I know a number of coastal trails in downeast Maine, all of them interesting.

The people of Maine were tired of being in debt and tired of being overtaxed.

Maine needs a comprehensive solar policy that brings us into the 21st century.

The jobless recovery in Maine is much more of a reality than we thought it was.

I went to this very disorganized Jewish summer camp in Maine called Camp Modin.

My greatest fear in the state of Maine: newspapers. I'm not a fan of newspapers.

When I go to a bar, I don't go looking for a girl who knows the capital of Maine.

Reading newspapers in the state of Maine is like paying somebody to tell you lies.

As senator, Mainers can count on me to always prioritize Maine's small businesses.

Maine Road was a great football stadium but as time moved on it stayed where it is.

Maine is a joy in the summer. But the soul of Maine is more apparent in the winter.

Maine farmers are critical to our state, and they deserve an advocate in the Senate.

For too long, Paul LePage tried to stand in the way of getting things done in Maine.

I've seen the impact of poorly negotiated trade agreements on manufacturing in Maine.

Maine people have a live-and-let-live philosophy, and tend to be fair and open-minded.

I'm told I was born in Canada, but I was adopted, and I grew up in Maine and Massachusetts.

In Maine we have a saying that there's no point in speaking unless you can improve on silence.

In this part of the world, only Maine gives winter the welcome and the worship it should have.

I was the United States Attorney for Maine for three years, and then was appointed a federal judge.

I am a big lover of the environment. I actually come from Maine, which is pretty much all environment.

Our goal is to make Maine the healthiest state in the nation and reduce our overall health care costs.

In Maine, there is a deeply ingrained sense that you can always get a little more use out of something.

I grew up in Maine working at a video store and found myself being pulled more and more to on-camera stuff.

My mother's family has been in Maine for over 300 years on the same farm. They have a King George III deed.

I'm living life right now, maine and this what Imma do til it's over, til it's over.. but it's far from over.

There's a quality of life in Maine which is this singular and unique. I think. It's absolutely a world onto itself.

At one point, I was seriously considering playing Huck Finn in a production in Northern Maine in the dead of winter.

We're constantly looking for ways to reach people in Maine to talk to them, reassure them and share resources and ideas.

They're each on separate coasts but I think that the deep Maine woods shares some similarities to the Pacific Northwest.

We must provide our kids with the skills they need to stay and succeed here in Maine - that's something we all agree on.

I don't have time to have friends come and stay, except on weekends in Maine. I invite a lot of people to come to Maine.

When I left the state of Maine for college, I met my first really rich friends, and I discovered summer could be a verb.

Here in Maine, we know that the system of special interests influencing elections runs contrary to our democratic values.

Maine is the only state in the country to produce wild blueberries - the industry is central to our heritage and culture.

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