I always find it flattering when somebody recognizes me.

I always find something interesting on Twitter that leads me somewhere else.

I just find anyone who's arrogant and pompous is always the funniest for me.

I always find that 90% of the performance, for me, is about what comes from inside.

Indian mythology and its characters have always fascinated me and I find the antagonists especially very interesting.

As an actor, it's up to you to show that you can do something else. For me, the interesting actors don't always go where you expect to find them.

I've always loved musical films; I find them really thrilling and exciting; it was part of what made me want to be an actress, that feeling of being really transported.

Ever since I worked on 'Buffy', it's always helped me to find a genre container for something, and I was like, 'Oh, this is where the movie melodrama has gone to. It's gone to YA.'

I've always been more comfortable making my decisions from the subconscious level, or more emotionally, because I find it is more truthful to me; Intellectually, I don't think like that because I get uncomfortable.

I always, by an involuntary act of defensiveness, return to my everyday self: so, I find, have I withdrawn from writing about experiences which have most closely concerned and disturbed me. I have been deflected by my own reticence.

I know a lot of brown actors who play terrorists because they're physically intimidating. For me, it was like, 'O.K., you'll be the nerd.' So I've played the nerd. I've played food-delivery guys. But I always tried to find something in the characters so that they weren't just defined by what they looked like.

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