For me a day without training is like a day without eating.

Wenger helped me by talking to me almost every day in training.

I think about Rio every day. Every day in training, it's something that drives me forward. I want to be Olympic champion.

So I'm studying ballet every day and really training so people will see me as a ballet dancer, which no one's seen before.

I like eating small meals frequently throughout the day, it helps me keep up my metabolism and get more out of my training.

I attend dance class every alternate day, and it works like a cardio workout for me. I also do weight training in the gym every alternate day.

I didn't think I was going to play that day. I'd have to thank the training staff for getting me on the field that day. They made a bigger deal than I thought it was.

When you're training every day, recovery is so important. I find that foam rolling helps me to make sure I don't get tight anywhere so that I keep mobilised and keep on top of things.

They call me 'The Maniac' as far as training goes. I'm a fanatic. I run 10 miles every day and I train three hours every other day with barbells. Nobody trains that hard. And that's not bragging.

There are days when I don't count sets at all, but then there are some days when I have to realize that I don't want to overwork because I still have an hour of cardio ahead of me or another training session later that day.

For me specifically, I think college benefited me. Just getting me out of doing, getting me out of what I was doing before. I was just doing the same thing, you know, every day, same schedule, just practicing, training, things like that.

I think it was in Moscow last year and I got changed for training the day before we played Moscow, but the fact is they actually wanted to do John's, me and John were next to each other and they did mine by mistake. John had done them I think. So yeah it is true.

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