I feel fashion needs me for many, many years more.

I don't feel like there is anybody out there with more confidence than me.

I just feel like being on the floor for more minutes allows me to give my presence.

I feel that I'm sort of playing me but more feminine, and to me more feminine means smarter.

I feel very lucky. 'Bake Off' has opened more doors for me. I was so delighted to get the job.

Motherhood hasn't changed me much but the only difference I feel is that I have become more patient.

I feel like I lead a lot by using my voice, it's natural for me, but I also think it's been more by example.

I feel like the more carries I get, the more flow I get and just keep it rolling with me and the whole offense.

To me, blues is more of a feel and a vibe, rather than sitting there and saying, 'Well, I'm gonna play bluesy now.'

I've been shadowing my brother since I was a little kid. Maybe that helped me feel more comfortable with the big guys.

When someone who loves and cares about me compliments me, I feel more glamorous than when the flashbulbs are going off on the red carpet.

I feel like the 'Supernova' record, those songs are very me. It's a more honest representation of me than any record I have made prior to that.

I feel like kids are getting more and more used to communicating through a glass screen than they are face-to-face, and that worries me a little.

I feel like, for me, I've become smarter. I've become a more intelligent wrestler. I've become a more intelligent performer, and I think that shows.

I do like watches. I like the sophistication of it all. Like the whole thing behind collecting watches is very grown man-esque, so it makes me feel more an adult.

They are more human and more brotherly towards one another, it seems to me, than we are. But perhaps that is merely because they feel themselves to be more unfortunate than us.

I know that I have lived because I have felt, and, feeling giving me the knowledge of my existence, I know likewise that I shall exist no more when I shall have ceased to feel.

The mist was so challenging and the winds hit me, definitely more than I expected. It was definitely those winds, you can't re-enact them, you can't recreate them. Then my forearms started to tense up and you feel like running.

The producing thing has come quite naturally to me. I feel like for directing, I would like to be more technically-savvy. I want to have the language under my belt, and I also want it to be a project that is very personal to me, for my first one.

It's glamorous when a movie is released, but then you feel disconnected from it. Someone asked if it wouldn't be more glamorous for me being on Broadway rather than Off Broadway, but I thought, 'What's the difference?' The Orpheum is a smaller house, that's all. And there are no mikes, so you just talk louder.

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