I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me because of the fact I haven't got any true friends! I'm fine the way I am.

Just cheating and lying in any way doesn't go well with me. So as a person, I am not okay with extramarital affairs.

I would never want to be selected to a team just because I am going to set a record. It's critical to me to earn my way.

Doors opened for me because of who I am. But the downside is, there is way way too much expectation from me, much more than there would have been if I were from outside the film industry.

I used to do a lot of fencing in the theater and a lot of horse riding in the early days, so I'm used to it in a way. If you're classically trained like I am, it's a little bit like mother's milk to me. I enjoy it.

I can say pretty confidently that I am not the right guy to do a superhero movie, just because I was not a comic book kid. I don't know that mythology, and I don't have it ingrained in me in the way that a lot of these other directors do.

Journalists have sometimes looked to my Twitter account and quoted me from there, and that's fine because that's public domain. I know exactly what I'm doing when I post something on Twitter; in a way, it's saying, 'This is who I am, and I don't have anything to hide.'

Well, the first thing that clued me in to the fact that there was something really scary about breast cancer, way beyond the thought of dying, was coming across an ad in the newspaper for pink breast cancer teddy bears. I am not that afraid of dying, but I am terrified of dying with a pink teddy bear under my arm.

Not coming from a film background, be it a teeny-weeny role or a big role, I have done it with a lot of dignity and fought my way through. But the only thing that kept me going is that I am the sort of person who doesn't take no for an answer. If someone rejects me, I will be out to prove that person wrong in my own way.

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