My mother never breast fed me, she told me she only liked me as a friend.

The one thing I never questioned about my mother was whether she loved me.

My mother is extraordinary. She understood me and never tried to hold me back.

I never saw a department store Santa as a kid. My mother was afraid to take me.

My mother taught me to read in part by reading me Walt Disney comics, and I never stopped.

When I was a baby, my mother tells me I never slept because I never wanted to miss anything.

My daughter is in more competition with me. I never wanted to be bigger than my mother or to challenge her.

My mother never learned English, but in Russia, the greatest thing was to give a child to the arts. And so they gave me to the ballet.

My mother never asked me whether I wanted to go to college, but told me I was going - to the University of Maryland on an academic scholarship.

My mother told me never explain, never complain. Even as a young actress, I determined I would never give personal interviews, since they made me so uncomfortable.

One of the oddities about being Judy Garland's daughter was that everyone treated my mother with such awe that they would never have asked me the normal questions kids get about their moms.

In England, there is this tradition of the upper classes going to very expensive drama schools and then going on having careers. I knew that wasn't an option for me. My mother would never have been able to afford that.

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