Everywhere we go, people recognize me.

I go to bat with people that are loyal to me.

People watch me... whatever I do, wherever I go.

Wherever I go, people recognize me, call my name, cheer me.

People recognize me, but I get a lot of, 'Didn't I go to camp with you?'

Once people tell me I can't do stuff, I'm going to go and make it happen.

There are too many people around keeping me grounded to go off the rails.

When I go out on the streets, plenty of people still show that they like me.

When I go out, a lot of people and their tiny tots call me Tiger Shroff's daddy.

They call me The Tinkerman. Wherever I go people say 'Ah ha, there is The Tinkerman.'

For me, people in Ireland who became actors would have to go through the Billy Barry's in Dublin.

I take Wellbutrin because I'm afraid to go into stores. I'm afraid people are going to yell at me.

I want people to be able to relate to me and the trials and tribulations and struggles that I go through.

I don't write that much horror. People tell me my books are scary, but they're not really; I don't go there.

To me, NASA is kind of the magical kingdom. I was sort of a geek, and you go there, and there are just these wondrously strange things and people.

When you say 'R&B,' people's minds automatically go in a place. How about I just say, 'Here's a tape; you can check it out on iTunes. You tell me.'

When you watch 'Save Me,' you want to be there. Even if you haven't grown up on an estate like this, you want to go to that pub and meet these people.

I hear that from so many different governments, people coming to me and saying, 'You should be careful'. But I don't want to go around with bodyguards.

I think if Elon Musk asked me to go to Mars as a musician, to sing for people, I think I might just do that. A return ticket would be a nice incentive, though.

I'm very passionate about my two Dobermans, Stella and Mr Jonty. I go on and on and on about them, and people have to tell me to shut up before I get out pictures of them.

My husband calls me 'throwy-outy' - he's horrified at how easily I dispense with things. People I won't let go of, but things, mementos from shows, I'm not particularly attached to.

Anybody that's not supportive of me staying sober obviously has to go. But on the other hand, there are not really a lot of people who don't want me to stay sober. I was a nightmare.

I write for an audience that likes what I like, reads what I read, thinks about the things I think about. In many ways, this puts me in opposition to the people who go to the theater generally.

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