It's so hard for me to insult people.

The hard thing for me is to say no to people.

There have been some hard times, people around me supported me.

I've worked hard to get here; I would like to thank all the people who helped me.

It's hard to notice things without people noticing me and that takes some getting used to.

I've worn a 100% polyester cheerleading outfit in stadiums full of people - it is pretty hard to embarrass me.

People think the chorus is the hard part in 'Take on Me,' but they're wrong. The hard part was making the verses bounce.

People come into fights against me and say this and that, but when they realise how quick and how hard I hit, their game plan disappears.

Honestly, it's hard to deal with the haters, but something that has helped me is not to focus on the haters and to focus on the nice people!

I could play a lot of things. And it's hard for people and logically hard and understandably hard for people to think of me for certain roles.

It's hard growing up in the limelight. People invent stories. They call me a man-eater. An innocent date with a friend becomes a major scandal.

A lot of people like lollipops. I don't like lollipops. To me, a lollipop is hard candy plus garbage. I don't need a handle. Just give me the candy.

Everything's completely different, and it's been hard. Fortunately, I have a lot of wonderful people around me, and I think I'm handling things pretty well.

Boarding for me, like in the days of 'Dexter,' was really hard, because I couldn't draw as well, and I had people around me who drew really well, so it was hard.

It's the least that someone can do, someone like me that owes so much to this people and to the revolution: study hard, but more than that, defend them under any circumstance.

People tell me they laughed hard enough to wake their spouses, that they've given away numerous copies to friends, and that it's the one Trek book they'll give to people they wouldn't expect to like others.

Because I could throw so hard when I got to college, they made me a pitcher. If I had to it all over again, I would have stuck to playing in the outfield. I loved running. I can catch everything in the outfield. I could throw people out from the fence.

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