People know me from my social media and television appearances and they'd see through me if I wasn't being honest.

Social media was a little hard for me to handle at first, when I was nine. I have a lot of followers, but that came with a lot of people I didn't know bullying me.

I had seen a lot of bullying on social media. If this is happening to me, who only a few people are paying attention to, what happens to somebody who is on a bigger scale?

I'm not on any social media. I know people who have met on Twitter and through Facebook. I had a friend, someone liked her photos on Instagram, and they started direct messaging each other and went out on a date! That's so foreign to me.

When I debuted on the main roster, people just hated me. They were booing me. Social media got to me a bit. They were like, 'She's just there because she's Ric Flair's daughter.' I was like, 'Why doesn't anybody like me?' It really got to me.

Thanks to social media like Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads, I can easily reach out to so many people. Being a writer gives me the added bonus of a targeted audience: readers, who enjoy targeted 'prizes' for participation in fundraisers - books and other neat promo items.

I've been a lot more into Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, which was a bit complicated for me to understand the language of each social media, because they all talk in different ways. It's a nice way for me to tell people I appreciate them, which I forget to do sometimes.

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