I'm bisexual. And so, you know, I've dated men and women.

Men cannot count, they do not know that two and two make four if women do not tell them so.

Most of us women like men, you know; it's just that we find them a constant disappointment.

Women know when they've got the menopause but men don't quite know. They know it afterwards.

They say women talk too much. If you have worked in Congress you know that the filibuster was invented by men.

They say that women talk too much. If you have worked in Congress you know that the filibuster was invented by men.

I don't know if it's animalistic or what, but men become like peacocks with their feathers up when women are around.

Sweden's development is based on the equal rights of men and women. We know that investments in gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights pay off.

Think of all the really successful men and women you know. Do you know a single one who didn't learn very young the trick of calling attention to himself in the right quarters?

Men don't know much about women. We do know when they're happy. We know when they're crying, and we know when they're pissed off. We just don't know in what order these are gonna come at us.

Against the men I have a point to prove. So I have more determination whereas, when I'm playing the women, we know each other's games so well. I need that extra boost just to prove to the men we can compete against them.

The problem men seem to have, and women, too, is that they have this very structured idea that we should find a partner and settle down and be, you know, faithful. And yet clearly this is really, really hard for anybody to do!

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