I am a closet metal fan.

Some of the smartest people I know are metal fans.

To some people heavy metal is Motorhead and to others it's Judas Priest

Being on Ozzfest has been a great way for us to break out and show metal fans that we have a heavy side.

You can go to any small town in America, there's going to be a metal fan there. You can't say that about post-rock.

There's real potency in metal. Metal fans love metal as if it's a nation they would fight for. It's not diluted by pop culture.

It's a heavy weight, the camera. Now we have modern and lightweight, small plastic cameras, but in the '70s they were heavy metal.

Always been a big heavy metal fan. I remember being 15 saying, Dude I'm going to love heavy metal forever. Heavy metal til I'm 60. I'm 35 now. I think I'm going to give it one more year.

My attitude was always, if you are a huge metal fan, the more dedicated and more obsessive a metal fan you are, then why wouldn't you like more metal, widen your net, and include hair metal?

I wasn't that wild about that. I told them basically if they were really going to want to bring back heavy metal to a program on MTV, then they are really going to have to get in touch with what real heavy metal is.

The weird thing about metal fans is we're all so maladjusted in a lot of ways. We're individualistic and opinionated and severe in our personalities - sometimes we really turn each other off. A little bit of a metal fan goes a long way.

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