Feares are divided in the midst.

A pauper in the midst of wealth.

In the midst of all dwells the sun.

In the midst of life we are in debt.

In the midst of death life persists.

Law stands mute in the midst of arms.

In the midst of life, we are in death.

Man cannot live in the midst of plenty.

We live and die in the midst of marvels.

Truth lives on in the midst of deception.

In the midst of darkness, light persists.

Dauntless: being brave in the midst of fear.

In the midst of events there is no perspective.

Hope saves a person in the midst of misfortunes.

The Kingdom is to be in the midst of your enemies

One never quite allows for the moron in our midst.

Women are in the midst of an unfinished revolution.

There are no good options in the midst of a crisis.

We live in the midst of a creation that is groaning.

In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity.

We're in the midst of an evolution, not a revolution.

In the midst of vice we are in virtue, and vice versa.

Maybe solitude is best had in the midst of multitudes.

By flying, men often rush into the midst of calamities.

I was happy in the midst of dangers and inconveniences.

We are in the midst of a VoIP communications revolution.

God clarifies in the midst of obedience, not beforehand.

We must make the invisible kingdom visible in our midst.

Communities do not benefit from criminals in their midst.

Caution comes too late when we are in the midst of evils.

Though in midst of life we be Snares of death surround us.

It is in the midst of disasters that bold men grow bolder.

A great democratic revolution is taking place in our midst.

For each one of us stands alone in the midst of a universe.

Marriage, in life, is like a duel in the midst of a battle.

A man of courage flees forward, in the midst of new things.

How easy to be amiable in the midst of happiness and success.

In the midst of fighting there is no place for public debate.

Let us not be deceived we are today in the midst of a cold war.

We are born, we live and we die - in the midst of the marvelous.

Greatness is the willingness to choose in the midst of intensity.

In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.

In the midst of hardship, it was the music that restored my soul.

It is easy to stand for freedom and justice in the midst of peace.

To find perfect composure in the midst of change is to find nirvana.

Grabbing hold of facts in the midst of shock is very Erudite of him.

But I think in the midst of working, you can't get too crazy serious.

The heart is great which shows moderation in the midst of prosperity.

Documenting one's life in the midst of living it is a strange pursuit.

I am life that wants to live, in the midst of life that wants to live.

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