For me, fashion means dare. I don't mind wearing a bikini. I am okay with it.

After a brief period in which I had let many a Southern Californian convince me that it was all 'in my mind,' I am once again officially allergic to dogs.

I hadn't made up my mind whether I had to do Hollywood or Bollywood films because I loved both, and I grew up on both. So I am glad that Bollywood chose me.

The ads all call me fearless, but that's just publicity. Anyone who thinks I'm not scared out of my mind whenever I do one of my stunts is crazier than I am.

I am so organized that it's dysfunctional. Everything has a place. I am a very visual person, so my environment is important to me. If my environment is messy, I can't think clearly. I don't like clutter. A clean desk is a clean mind for me.

There's no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't be in the position that I am if I didn't have my 'One Tree Hill' fans. They're the most dedicated, devoted fans. They're behind you no matter what. If one person says one bad thing about me on Twitter, they're fighting back!

I am very determined but I also have a tendency to be very stubborn. If I'm ever told I can't do something I put my mind to or that I won't be able to accomplish, I automatically think of it is a dare that I won't do it and it makes me that much more determined to get it accomplished.

Obama, he wouldn't have been in office without what happened to me and a lot of black people before me. He would never have been in that situation, no doubt in my mind. He would get there eventually, but it would have been a lot longer. So I am glad for what I went through. It opened the doors for a lot of people.

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