How often misused words generate misleading thoughts.

The BJP, during its reign, has never misused Article 356.

'Magic' is a word that's too often misused in the record industry.

Technology is a wonderful thing, but I think it's violently misused.

Religion often is misused for purely power-political goals, including war.

Opposition is not necessarily enmity; it is merely misused and made an occasion for enmity.

Among the actors, I think my name has been misused the maximum number of times in the industry.

Any time we are misused or used for a purpose other than what God intended us for, it's damaging.

There is a strong social premise in our country and I feel today freedom is being misused and not used.

I say this as an engineer: We are profoundly bad at asking ourselves how the things we build could be misused.

Mrs. White, in my opinion, made false statements. She misused what she claimed was the prophetic gift she had.

Just because the character listens to an iPod and wears black nail polish, she's goth. That was just a misused word.

There are words bandied about that are being misused - words like 'socialism,' words like 'communism,' words like 'fascism.'

Without the ability to talk about government power, there's no way for citizens to make sure this power isn't being misused.

I sympathize with politicians who have to watch every syllable they utter for fear it will be misused by somebody with an agenda.

No one in the government is seriously penalized when Social Security numbers are stolen and misused; only the number-holders suffer.

'Pressure' is a word that is misused in our vocabulary. When you start thinking of pressure, it's because you've started to think of failure.

Renowned people from all fields receive unnecessary flak so often. Anonymity is misused, and it is a terrible thing to want to break somebody's spirit.

We need to hold accountable anyone who has misused power, and put that power to work for the common good. That includes, but goes beyond, police reform.

Where the federal government and the taxpayer has had funds misused, we need to use the full extent of the law to get those funds back for the taxpayer.

Children and other Americans with limited or non-existent credit histories are particularly vulnerable to having the SSNs misused for synthetic identities.

The word 'star' is misused. A good film will never fail. And if you have become an actor to become a star, then your reason of being in this profession is wrong. It amounts to abusing the art.

I would find myself backing away from all of the 'isms', all of the communities. I have always been able to be misused by every community But that is OK. I would rather be misused than neglected.

The two most misused words in the entire English vocabulary are love and friendship. A true friend would die for you, so when you start trying to count them on one hand, you don't need any fingers.

If you get it out into the urban field it's going to be used or misused but it'll also probably provide a way of people acknowledging what the aesthetic is about because people have to confront it every day.

Modi has misused institutions like the ED, Intelligence Bureau, CBI, RBI and National Statistical Commission for political gains and harassing his political opponents. Modi lost his credibility by all these acts.

As a film-maker and a poet, I feel it's my duty to be an eye and an antenna to what's happening around me. I always felt a solidarity with those who are desperate and confused and misused and are seeking a way out of it.

I wasn't always a Twitter devotee. During the 2012 campaign, the first during which Twitter was widely used by journalists and campaign aides, I became something of a scold to younger reporters who I thought misused the medium.

The word 'operatic' is often misused to mean over the top, where someone is over-emoting. And that does a terrible disservice because 'operatic' to me means a commitment and a belief to the emotion of the moment that is sincere.

I bridled strongly when Labour introduced their Right to Roam, fearing that it would be misused by the hard Left to stir up unnecessary trouble in the countryside. In fact, greater access to the uplands has been a very good thing.

There are downsides to a lot of things. There are downsides to flying - people die every now and then. Do you want to stop all air flights? There are downsides to pharma; sometimes they're misused. Do you want to stop using pills?

Agencies must know who they are accountable to. If the agencies know who they are accountable to but we cannot say who they are accountable to, then really it is a very sad situation that is bound to be misused. It is bound to affect human rights.

The Spy Act strikes a right balance between preserving legitimate and benign uses of this technology, while still, at the same time, protecting unwitting consumers from the harm caused when it is misused and, of course, designed for nefarious purposes.

But also, the guest workers program, it's quite often misused, meaning people could come in as part of a guest workers program and after two weeks in the fields, they'd run off to do every other kind of job that isn't covered by a guest workers program.

The issue of coverage of pre-poll surveys should not be mixed with the freedom of press. Having guidelines does not violate any fundamental right nor implies any restriction on this freedom. 'Media power' should not be misused with the help of pre-poll surveys.

It wouldn't be fair to say that conservatives cherish property the way liberals cherish equality. But it would be fair to say that the takings clause is the conservatives' recipe for judicial activism just as they say liberals have misused the equal protection clause.

Sure, food stamps are occasionally misused, but anyone familiar with business knows that the abuse of food subsidies is far greater in the corporate suite. Every time an executive wines and dines a hot date on the corporate dime, the average taxpayer helps foot the bill.

By granting 4 million undocumented immigrants social security numbers that can potentially be misused through loopholes in our tax code and voting laws, President Obama is poisoning the waters of public perception and reinforcing negative stereotypes of Latinos and all immigrants.

The experience in Iraq has taken away the essential trust which political leaders need before embarking on military action. It was meant to be about weapons of mass destruction rather than regime change. Unfortunately, the nation was misled, and secret service information was misused.

Caregivers attract caregivers and live in a community of love. They are energized by their caring, fulfilled, and they love life. Caretakers attract caretakers and live in the company of resentful victims who see themselves as misused and are fatigued from constant giving with no return.

As a Christian, but also as a scientist responsible for overseeing the Human Genome Project, one of my concerns has been the limits on applications of our understanding of the genome. Should there be limits? I think there should. I think the public has expressed their concern about ways this information might be misused.

If a big number of young pupils felt secularism was an attack on them, it was because the term had been misused and deformed in the public debate for years by the extreme-right and the right as an attack on Islam. The term had often been misused to point out how Muslims were different to others, and that is clearly problematic.

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