I love MMA.

MMA is my love.

I never will give up.

Choose To Be Inspired.

Pressure... I love it.

Be your own motivation.

I create opportunities.

I plot my ascent daily.

Technique conquers all.

Be humble. Be yourself.

Progress not perfection.

MMA is forever evolving.

Life's too short to hate.

Integrity eclipses image.

I'm a natural born sniper.

Think street, train sport.

I don't really follow MMA.

Belief is a powerful thing.

In MMA, I found my calling.

Attitude determines effort.

I work hard and fight easy.

Good health is true wealth.

Don't impersonate. Innovate.

Speed is the essence of war.

Heart and mind overcome all.

Just believe, it will happen.

Fear Does Not Crown Champions.

Know yourself, to know others.

Movement for me is meditation.

Be happy, but never satisfied.

I'm really not too big on MMA.

Fighters have to be optimists.

I think I adapted well for MMA.

You just have to stay positive.

Smart work pays best. Trust it.

Your spirit is the true shield.

I'm inspired to inspire others.

Resilience is going to pay off.

Sports are a metaphor for life.

The outcome is what you put in.

UFC took the love of MMA out me.

Everything happens for a reason.

You can delay but you can't deny.

If you want something, go get it.

I was destined to express myself.

Positive thinking breeds success.

I'm very comfortable in the storm.

Never a dull moment in MMA, right?

My goal is to be number one in MMA.

I just got the will to win at life.

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