I love MMA.

I am my own demographic.

People do horrible things.

I want to fight a UFC fighter.

Good luck trying to cancel me.

Rejection is just a part of life.

Everyone deserves second chances.

I'd love to entertain people forever.

I literally did athletics my whole life.

The old Logan was plain old insensitive.

I was one of the best wrestlers in Ohio.

I could be the quickest man on the planet.

I'm unlike any other creator on the Internet.

I don't think everyone should get a second chance.

I was disrespectful everywhere: U.S., Italy, France.

If I'm going to do something, I might as well go for it.

I'm not like a full athlete. But I'm definitely a boxer.

If you can be yourself and people like you, you're golden.

I'm betting 100,000 that I'm the fastest man on the planet.

Boxing is by far one of the best things to happen to my life.

Let's just say, I went to Sweden for a reason, to make music.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities Vine has given me.

I want to become better, I don't want to let my mistakes define me.

Why can I do the splits? That's weird. I'm uncomfortable with myself.

I don't want to be a Snapchat star. I barely want to be a YouTube star.

I'm everywhere, baby, I'm everywhere. And I'm nowhere, I'm like a ghost.

I will think twice in the future about what I post. Probably three times.

I'm an athlete, I'm funny, I'm creative, I can tell a story, I'm likable.

I can sing, I can act, my physical comedy is on point. I can do the splits.

Creating content to make people smile and laugh, that's what makes me happy.

I think Hollywood, I think America in general, they love redemption stories.

MMA guys, we sparred a lot of them training for KSI because of the wild punches.

The biggest surprise about making a movie has got to be the wait in between takes.

I try not to live my life thinking about money because money doesn't make me happy.

I have been hated by the whole world and it's been something to definitely overcome.

I can speak at length and use my brain. It's nice to be able to show that side of me.

I actually don't mind viral trends. I think most of them are inexplicably really funny.

Is it possible for Logan Paul to make a comeback or am I going to be a failed YouTuber?

All the Vine creators, we knew our home, the place we started on was slowly reaching a plateau.

No matter how many people want me to crawl in a hole and die forever, I'm not going to do that.

I think I would destroy CM Punk if I'm being honest. I don't know if anyone would disagree with that.

I believe you really do need to be 360 in this industry. And being just a Vine creator was not my goal.

If I'm being quite honest with you, I'm the fastest YouTuber; I'm the fastest entertainer on the planet.

I want to be the biggest entertainer in the world. That's my deal. I'll do whatever it takes to get that.

I moved out to L.A. to pursue entertainment beyond social media. Because I could have made Vines from Ohio.

I don't even know what my artist name would be. Would it be Logan Paul? Would it just be Logan? I don't know.

I would love to box Dillon Danis. But do the fans want to see me box Dillon? Does Dillon put people in seats?

I jumped off a bridge in Italy, is that culturally insensitive? Is saying 'mamma mia' culturally insensitive?

They're the smartest, most cunning, slick, coolest group of people on the planet. Generation Z, I love y'all.

Some of my Vines, the young girls love them. But college students will watch them and be like, yo this is dumb.

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