All hoods make not monks.

I am a simple Buddhist monk.

I felt like poisoning a monk.

A habit does not a monk make.

At Length the Fox turnes Monk.

Malik Monk is special. Special.

All is lost. Monks, monks, monks!

I should have been a Trappist monk.

Im a Tibetan monk, not a vegetarian.

The more you know the less you talk.

I'm just a monk, I'm like a recluse.

I’m a basketball player, not a monk.

The more you know, the less you carry

I am simply just one monk. That's all.

A genius is the one most like himself.

I'm like a monk with a taste for hookers.

I think many monks hesitate to change things.

Artists are the monks of the bourgeois state.

I am a simple Buddhist monk - no more, no less.

I would not be happy if I had not become a monk.

I want to live with a monk... and the Rolling Stones.

I certainly haven't lived the life of a Buddhist monk.

If I had not been a monk, I would have become an engineer.

I'm like the Shaolin monk, the counselor in the clubhouse.

[The monks'] minds were inaccessible to reason or mercy . . .

Poets and monks... We're both sort of peripheral to the world.

I describe myself as a simple Buddhist monk. No more, no less.

Habit maketh no monk, ne wearing of gilt spurs maketh no knight.

I loved working on 'Murphy Brown,' and I loved working on 'Monk.'

High on a rocky promontory sat an Electric Monk on a bored horse.

I was spoiled by Monk's music because it was so good, so complete.

Being an actor is like being a monk: you have got to be dedicated.

Conclusion: better to be a thinking monk than a postmodern thinker.

He called out to his fellow monks,'Come quickly I am tasting stars.

Then are they truly monks when they live by the labor of their hands.

A monk is holy and great until he starts teaching you the real Dharma

The Monk competition did open some doors. And I was thankful for that.

Monk's gone, and House is gone. Maybe I can pick up where they left off.

Art Monk was an example for Jerry Rice. That's what Jerry always told me.

Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back.

Just as the habit does not make the monk, the sceptre does not make the king.

I live like a monk: with one toothbrush, one cake of soap, and a pot of cream.

Miles Davis and Felonious Monk, they're both great artists who enhance things.

If you have an ancestor who is a Benedictine monk, we would rather not know it.

I'm not an acting monk or anything. I'm not, like, the most well-adjusted actor.

A monk's extraordinary patience can be a hindrance to desperate decision-making.

Children, we must cultivate reverence towards all great masters, monks and gurus.

I envy them, those monks of old; Their books they read, and their beads they told.

Rock & roll fan that I am, Thelonious Monk is probably my favorite musical artist.

Monk encouraged me to emancipate the drums from their subservient role as timekeepers.

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