Do no talk while eating.

Love is our true essence.

Don't Fall in love, Rise in Love!

Remember, 'Even this will pass away.'

Existence is a Fact, Living is an Art

Recognize and honour your uniqueness.

Joy is never tomorrow it's always now!

Taste goodness before you recommend it.

You can only feel love by expressing it.

The wave uniting with its depth is yoga.

Retain your shyness and drop your shame.

Purify the mind through selfless service.

Loving words and deeds are the best alms.

He who submits to discipline is a DISCIPLE.

Look upon others as being part of yourself.

Take a vow for a life of service to others.

Faith is giving the divine a chance to act.

A mind in the present moment is meditation.

Love is giving everything and taking nothing

Make your smile cheaper and anger expensive!

Suffering is a product of limited knowledge.

If you're not at peace, nothing else matters

Where there is love, distance doesn't matter.

Be content and happy with whatever comes to you.

Meditation is the delicate art of doing nothing.

One whose mind is turned inwards is ever in bliss

To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness.

Smiling is one of the highest forms of meditation.

Love is not an emotion. It is your very existence.

Hold on to your dreams, one day, it will come true.

The visible sign of utter love is an undying smile.

Feel indebted. Feel grateful. Then abundance grows.

In the present moment, we are all innocent. Wake up!

The whole creation is the dance of one consciousness

When you consider Life as sacred,Nature waits on you

May your thoughts, words and actions arise from love.

Everything in this creation is a sign of celebration.

Faith is realizing that you always get what you need.

Sadhana is the real currency that you can use anywhere

While carrying responsibilities, never forget to smile.

If we keep holding on to God, there is nothing to fear.

Religion keeps society divided. Spirituality unites it.

Whatever work we do, our mind should be centered on God.

Only the heart can speak or hear that which is authentic

If our mind is pure, our desires get manifested quickly.

The best form of worship is to be happy, to be grateful.

Surrender and living in the present are one and the same.

Pray: O Lord, make my eyes see only the good in everyone.

Celebration happens when the mind unites with the spirit.

Get out of your comfort zone and bring comfort to others.

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