I can't sleep without the TV on, so we leave it on during the night, and that's what wakes me up - Joe Scarborough and 'Morning Joe' at 7:30 or 8.

I save everything up until Sunday night because if I start sending emails on Saturday afternoon, then people have to start responding to me on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

In the U.S., no one minds who I am, even if they saw me in 'Idol.' If I'm not doing any shows, my friends and I can just drive around the neighborhood and go to bars at night and chill till four in the morning.

Every morning waking up and every night going to bed, I look at my scar. And I tell the Lord, 'Thank you for the blessing that He's given me to keep living, to keep playing, just to continue to breathe everyday.'

And I have to say, what motivates me every day and I know my Democratic colleagues is to remember that every day 14,000 people get up in the morning with insurance that go to bed at night without it and most of them because they lost their job.

I was surprised that everyone calls it 'morning sickness,' because it lasted all day. For me, it was even worse at night. During my first two pregnancies, I felt so nauseous all day that I could only eat plain toast and bland foods - no proteins.

People always say, 'Is it tough getting up at four in the morning?' I'm not terrible with that, but the weird thing for me is that I start to feel like a 3-year-old in need of a nap at about 7:30 at night; and, at 9:30, my head is teetering like that.

I'm active even on bad days; it's tough to pin me down. People ask me if I'm a morning or night person. I'm an all-the-time person. I like drinking coffee, but I do it with lots of milk because my energy levels are high even without caffeine. You could call me Obelix, except I don't have a belly.

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