I think people are intelligent, empathetic, multi-dimensional.

People are multi-dimensional and crave a multi-sensory experience.

Everyone on the planet has a dark and a light. That's a multi-dimensional character.

For me, in any story that I take, the antagonist is more interesting and multi-dimensional.

There is a general knowledge that I am multi-dimensional, that when you are creative you do a lot of things.

I have a background in technology, design, architecture, arts and sciences. I see myself as a multi-dimensional person.

Of course God is endlessly multi-dimensional so every religion that exists on earth represents some face, some side of God.

Big Shaq stems from my YouTube series 'Somewhere in London.' I just wanted to create something that was multi-character and multi-dimensional.

I think what's important, as an artist who wants to be multi-dimensional, is learning how to shape-shift into those different paths fluidly and frequently.

I think it's really important that we see women represented properly in TV, and that's a multi-dimensional person: a real human being who's flawed, who's weird, who's awesome.

Music is multi-dimensional: it's all in the feeling. Sometimes I feel like looping; sometimes I don't. Sometimes I want to strip it back, play instruments I've never played before.

My experience of being on the public platform got more multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, and my place in the public eye, I think, has always been a little more than just what is going on in that time in my life.

My art has always been in response to visions. Rather than confine my subject to representations of the outer worlds, I include portrayals of the multi-dimensional imaginal realms that pull us toward consciousness evolution.

The performance of Carnatic music is multi-dimensional and layered. A performance is at once an artiste's cathartic process of personal exploration and an open energy exchange with the audience: a release and a conversation.

International politics is no longer a zero-sum game but a multi-dimensional arena where cooperation and competition often occur simultaneously. Gone is the age of blood feuds. World leaders are expected to lead in turning threats into opportunities.

All around us right now, tucked into the valleys and along the coasts, bookshops glow in the winter light. Think of them like singular, magical, and multi-dimensional recipe boxes. They wait for us to pluck out a card, to stand over the stove, to start cooking.

What I really need is for people to know that I don't just do this, I do this and this and this and this. We all have creativity in us and we all are multi-dimensional and we are all interested in a lot of things and that women are fabulous. We can handle a lot of things.

JR was a 1-dimensional, evil character. JR was multi-dimensional, and Larry Hagman is probably one of the greatest actors that we have. Then, you go back and look at 'I Dream of Jeannie' - I mean, he's a comic genius, as well. So, I think they should give him an honorary Emmy Award.

Especially in the first 10-15 years, your regular resume is not an authentic representation of you - you don't really have that many notches on your belt, so to speak. In a super-competitive job environment, you need to be able to tell a multi-dimensional story about who you are as a person.

John Wells and Christopher Chulack were pretty honest from the get-go in our first meeting about 'Southland.' They were looking to create characters that were believable in the environment of the LAPD - multi-dimensional, layered characters with real flaws; good-hearted cops mixed with the perfect amount of heroism and irony.

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