My heart and soul is still music.

I come from an era of music when it had heart and soul.

I'm a busy girl, and I've been switching gears from telly and putting my heart and soul into music.

I want everybody to know my name because I feel like I give so much of my heart and my soul in my music.

As a songwriter, it's very hard to listen to music that's not coming from the heart and soul, personally.

The music is within your heart, your soul, your spirit, and this is all I did when I sat at piano. I just go within.

Music should come from the heart. It should happen. That should be automatic, and if you labour on creating music, it will not have soul.

Kenny Loggins pours his heart and soul into the music he makes. He'll take you with him through everything he's going through, which is not easy.

That's the ideal to me - to make music that is well-crafted and sophisticated technically, but has a soul and a heart that touches a lot of people.

What I like is when you can hear the heart and soul of music and can feel the energy coming out of it, because that's what it's like when you drive.

Good soul music should make you feel something in your heart, in your body, and in your spirit. That's what I try to do both in the studio and on stage.

Music is everything to me. It's the heart and soul of a movie or TV show to me because it can be such an injection of tone, and I think tone is everything to a story.

Because obviously when we write our music, we pour our heart and soul into it. I put everything into my music... I just feel like, I want people to actually hear what I have to say.

To me, soul music is anything that is made from the heart, and therefore moves the listener; it's not overly self-aware, and leaves room for the listener to make their own conclusions.

Be honest with yourself and the way you act when you hear music. That way, when people watch, they'll see something from your heart and soul, and as a result will communicate your feeling and thought much better.

When I listen to Amy Winehouse, I believe that her heart and soul is in the music, or if I listen to other British artists like Duffy or Estelle. The aesthetic of it is different, and it's my point of view. It's not anything formulaic.

Sometimes when you have multimedia, people use it too much. It has to be a tool and not the end product, if you can use it as a tool. The same thing apples when you are recording. We had this problem in the 80's, we got so computerized there was no heart and soul in the music anymore.

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