I do spin class at 7 A.M.

Be confident and not cocky.

My life is a bit unpredictable.

I'm definitely a spiritual person.

My greatest weakness is... my dog.

I could eat Mexican food every day.

Yes, I have left the Pussycat Dolls.

I love to explore and see new places.

I love Charlie Brooks. Charlie is my girl!

I love a coloured or printed trouser suit.

'Woman Up' is a fun female empowerment song.

There's nothing better than sitting in a hot tub.

I use clear mascara on my brows to neaten them up.

I have the best fans, who have been so supportive.

When it comes to make-up, I'm pretty low-maintenance.

I just love that I get to play dress-up for a living.

I like to meditate. It's a great way to start the day!

I'm not a great cook, so I'd rather go out for brunch.

Kate Hudson is gorgeous and has fabulous fashion sense.

I love to do spin classes, go for a hike, box, or do hot yoga.

I like the way I feel when I'm healthy; it makes me feel lively.

I watched my mom suffer from a divorce where she depended on my father.

My weekend treat is Mexican food, definitely. I love nachos and burritos.

I'm originally from Phoenix, Arizona, but I've fallen in love with London.

My life coach is very spiritual, and I do a lot of meditation and mantras.

I'm delighted to be the face of the Garnier No Streak Bronzer Self Tan Range.

I like to think I have good morals, but I still have a little bit of an edgy side.

I love a long, deep-tissue massage where they really get in there and remove the knots!

Walking around town and driving around London - it's like a fashion show on every corner.

I do like to play around with colour, although day-to-day, I probably wear a lot of black.

I love a spa day, so put me in a hot tub and give me a massage, and I am a very happy girl.

I like a guy that can make me laugh and be open-minded, who is active and loves travelling.

I've been canyoning, snorkelled a shipwreck, and learnt to Irish dance, all in the same week.

Life is short, and nobody knows what's around the corner, but I'm up for lots of new challenges.

The atmosphere in St. Lucia is incredibly friendly, and I always felt very safe and looked after.

I remember, when I first left Phoenix for L.A. I was 19, and I arrived with just $1000 to my name.

I always like to wear items that are sexy but comfortable, especially if there is dancing involved.

I'm a busy girl, and I've been switching gears from telly and putting my heart and soul into music.

I think it's empowering for women to be in a relationship or single and have their own independence.

I am a complete sucker for funny films. There is something so therapeutic about laughing until you cry.

London's inspired my wardrobe 100 per cent. Layering and having cool coats. The Brits just do it right.

I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was growing up and always wanted to be surrounded by wildlife.

I've been dancing and wearing costumes my whole life, so there's that sexiness to who I am that I enjoy.

When I first got the call for 'I'm A Celebrity,' I was like, 'Dude, it's snakes and bugs and things. Nah.'

I spent my whole childhood in leotards, tutus, sports bras; I was showing my midriff from the age of three.

I use Dr. Organic Snail Gel, which is great for keeping blemishes at bay and also helping reduce fine lines.

My favourite hangouts are the Mexican restaurant Crazy Homies and the Electric Cinema, both in Notting Hill.

I have two best friends - the dancer and choreographer Bobby Newberry and my former bandmate Kimberley Wyatt.

If I'm running errands, I'll put on a little concealer for the circles under my eyes, mascara, and lip gloss.

I grew up dancing and singing, and I pool together my life experience and relationships and put it into work.

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