You can't play music and be mad at anybody. It'll show in your heart!

I like to be dramatic in my music because that's when it gets to your heart.

When you're making music, you're creeping up on your heart and pouring it out into something.

Music - it's the only thing that can enter your system, your mind, your heart, without your permission.

It's interesting when I jog, how much the music makes a difference. You can pretty much count on the Foo Fighters to get your heart rate up.

From the beginning, I felt that Heavy Metal is not just about music but also something that you feel with your heart. It is music that helps you express your emotions and feelings.

It's really interesting how music can knock down a wall and be an open connection between you and someone else where something else can't. When music comes along, it just opens your heart a little more.

As a little kid I had a girlfriend, and her boyfriend used to beat me up, so then I used to sing these songs, and that's what it's all about. Country music is all about your heart and your people and things like that.

Even the greatest musicians, they only represent themselves. You represent who you are and what your experiences are and what you have in your heart, and it's the same for me. I represent who I am and what I've been through and what I'm bringing to the music.

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