If I didn't do music, I would do something to help people out.

I have a mission, and that's to help people. That's what I want my music to do.

My whole mission in general, ever since I was fourteen, was to write music that would help people heal.

I want to do all types of music, music for all people. I want my music to be encouraging, to help people.

I like to produce music and put it out and hopefully it can help people through whatever crisis they have.

These wealthy people were very interested in contemporary music. They wanted to help diffuse it and get it to be known to other people.

I want to touch people with the music and help them through whatever they're going through. That's what music's there for - making people happy.

Latinos finally have a genre of music that represents them, and they're supporting reggaeton in such huge numbers that people can't help but notice there's a revolution going on.

In Evita I wasn't really hugely involved with it. I gave a little bit of help but they needed a bit of technical help on the movie and so some of my music people went in at the end of the movie and helped out with it.

A lot of people think the orchestra is playing and the conductor doesn't do very much, but the conductor's the person that gives shape to the music, gets the phrasing, and if he has really fine musicians in solo spots, the question is does he try to help them phrase, or does he let them go?

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