Josh Freeman will be an MVP candidate.

You don't have to live anybody else's story.

I am the MVP and I gotta worry about the trade talk.

When you got people behind you, you can do whatever.

Basketball is just a platform for me to inspire people.

I want to win a World Series. I couldn't care less about MVP.

Basketball was mine, and that's what's carried me to this point.

I'm fine with selecting Curry because the season he's had has been incredible.

So many people doubted me. They motivated me every single day, to be, who I am.

Why can't I be MVP of the league? Why can't I be the best player in the league?

I can't say enough, how important my faith is to how I play the game and who I am.

All the support from all my friends, All my family over the years, I appreciate it.

I'd love to give Malcolm the truck. We're going to figure out how to make that happen.

A lot of people didn't get to see Butler's skills throughout the course of the season.

The grass is not always greener on the other side. You learn to appreciate these people.

It's going to be tough (winning the MVP Award). I'm not really considered a media darling.

My mother's the most special person in my life ... I consider her my MVP: Most Valuable Parent.

It's an incredible play, and not only that, that's the type of plays Malcolm makes for our team.

Butler's interception comes off as a great play, which it really was, at the biggest time of the year.

Some people might say my coming out after just winning the MVP award is heroic, and I understand that.

I fell so many times and got back up. I been through the toughest times with my family, but I’m still standing.

I just want the same thing Joe Montana got when he was MVP. He got respect. He got commercials. He got everything

Obviously he deserved that Finals MVP award. He is a great talent and he is a huge reason why we are celebrating.

Last, I just want to thank God again. He's the first and the last. Alpha and Omega. I thank you for saving my life.

Everyone should play like Adrian Peterson. This guy does everything full speed. Pro Bowl - promoting himself for MVP.

What I tell people is be the best version of yourself in anything that you do. You don't have to live anybody else's story.

I can't be No. 1 with an MVP trophy. I could be No. 1 with the championship ring and the championship trophy on my fireplace.

This means the world to me that you guys are here with me celebrating with me. Thank you. Thank you. I can’t express it enough.

The MVP award was very satisfying in terms of personal accomplishments, but the championship was the most important thing of all.

MVP is the best player in the league. I think that's too big for me. When people call me the MVP, I'm a little surprised by that.

The next MVP of the Super Bowl is just as likely to have been a full-time grocery store bagger last year as a Heisman Trophy winner.

I hope the car they (Sport Magazine who awarded it to the World Series MVP) give him (Brooks Robinson) has an extra large glove box.

Thankfully we had a big drive there in the fourth quarter after the fumble to put us up 11, and then the big drive to finish the game.

He's helped me do so much in my career, helped me be the player that I am. If there's no Larry Brown, then there's no MVP, Allen Iverson.

He credited his teammates, who he thanked in turn, with challenging him every day and driving him forward and making him a better player.

There's more to life than basketball. The most important thing is your family and taking care of each other and loving each other no matter what.

I know I probably never will win the league MVP or passing title. That is not why I play the game. I try to win football games and championships.

MVP, you could have picked a name out of a hat... we have a group of MVPs. You don't rely on one guy. You have to get contributions from everyone.

Being gay has nothing to do with the three gold medals or the three MVPs or the four championships I've won. I'm still the same person. I'm Sheryl.

We played in the Senior Bowl, ... I got MVP out of jamming his (expletive). It basically started there, with a long week of getting after each other.

And for me to have my name mentioned among some of the Super Bowl MVPs that played in the Super Bowl, words can't describe it. It's totally a dream come true.

The lesson of the MVP is that any additional work beyond what was required to start learning is waste, no matter how important it might have seemed at the time.

I just hope Sammy (Sosa) gets the attention he deserves. Not only has he hit sixty-two homers, but he has carried us. He is without doubt the MVP of the National League.

This city, all they want us to be is ourselves. You love us how we are. We’re all a work in progress as men and you still love us and I thank you so much for embracing us.

If you twisted my arm today, I would probably vote for James Harden, he's single-handedly put that Houston Rockets team in the position they are in today. It would be tough.

First off, I'd like to thank God for changing my life. It let me really realize what life is all about. Basketball is just a platform for me to inspire people, and I realize that.

Tom Brady says he wants to give the truck he was given as the Super Bowl MVP to the guy who won the Super Bowl for the Patriots. So Brady's giving his truck toSeahawks coach Pete Carroll.

It's named the Lombardi Trophy for a reason, because we play and live in Titledown. We've got the best fans, and I can't wait to go home and see those fans and bring home the Lombardi Trophy.

Ron Swanson is more than the MVP of the 'Parks and Recreation' squad, more than just the funniest character on TV - he's the perfect depiction of aggrieved American manhood at the twilight of the empire.

Perry, Jeremy, Man, Just knowing that you guys look up to me, And I can help you out so much, I could pull you to the side when we're working out. And just as much as you think I'm making you better, You elevate my game.

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