I have to be honest with myself, and make sure I am doing things the right way.

I identify myself as what I am. I'm half Jewish, like Proust. I have no other way to put it.

My puppets are far more liberated than I am. Ventriloquism is a useful way of expressing myself.

I am pretty happy with myself. I am not saying I am flawless, but I am content with the way I am.

I was always harsh on myself as a player and I am the same as a coach, but it's the only way I know how to improve.

The way I move, the way I think, the way I handle myself - it might be by accident, but it's who I am, and I've just learned to own that.

I'm a Scorpio with a Pisces moon. I am very critical of myself. I'm actually way less critical of others than I am of myself. I'm in my own head a lot. It's hard and really discouraging.

I am a normal guy. I muck about; I play around with my nieces. The only thing is I need to be professional when I am out and conduct myself in a certain way. I still live a normal lifestyle.

I do have very solid reggae roots based on the fact that I'm Jamaican, and so that is a part of myself; even if I never do all reggae, it has to come out in some way because that's who I am.

I never considered myself a songwriter, but now since I've been working with Nick Lowe, I am contributing to an extent. But I'm the guitarist and he's not, so we compliment each other in a way.

The way that we imitate each others' riffs is something that other bands don't do as much. If we're jamming with a jazz band, or I am jamming with a jazz band, I have to catch myself, the tendency is always to do that.

In terms of brands, I generally try to stick with EDITION Hotels or Soho House. That way, I know what I'm getting myself into. Plus, the lobbies and bath soaps smell the same - if you're into that kinda thing, which I am.

I'm often asked - and occasionally in an accusatory way - 'Are you atheist?' And it's like, 'You know, the only 'ist' I am is a scientist, all right?' I don't associate with movements. I'm not an 'ism.' I just - I think for myself.

I've written what and when I want to. It's been about expressing myself. But with the degree, I had to learn to do everything in a very specific, disciplined way. I am very disciplined, but this demanded a totally different kind of discipline. A real challenge.

When I feel like I'm not doing what I am supposed to as a mother, I will torture myself. I don't know how to deal with it. I find some consolation in the fact that all mommies feel it. If there was a way to cure mommy guilt, I would bottle it and be a bazillionaire.

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