Other people may not have had high expectations for me... but I had high expectations for myself.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will make me go in a corner and cry by myself for hours.

I may have aimed too high sometimes, asked too much of myself and demanded too little from those around me.

I'll do anything. That has proven problematic - you may remember my broken leg in a dirt bike accident - but that is also the ingredient that has allowed me to elevate myself in pro wrestling.

It may be well possible that phished passwords ended up being used at Sci-Hub. I did not send any phishing emails to anyone myself. The exact source of the passwords was never personally important to me.

I look at myself more as a storyteller than a screenwriter, as pretentious as that may sound, but that's what really attracts me to TED Talks. For me, the really effective ones are being presented by expert storytellers.

What humility does for one is it reminds us that there are people before me. I have already been paid for. And what I need to do is prepare myself so that I can pay for someone else who has yet to come but who may be here and needs me.

What feels most productive to me isn't to think so much in terms of how I can be alternative, but how I can be subversive in a way that feels organic, how I can connect with people, and how I can just be myself, which may be the hardest thing to be.

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