I can't tone it down. I'm being me and being myself.

Being myself has worked out pretty well for me I think.

I'm not trying to be different. To me, I'm just being myself.

Being genuinely humble and being myself has helped me succeed in my career.

I've never gone out and courted favors. I've never gone out to be booed, either. It's just me being myself.

I figured out that it was important for me to have my identity, just live independently and like being myself, musically.

It took me years to realize that 'normal' is actually super boring and that being myself was harder but infinitely more rewarding.

I'm just being myself. To me, that people are interested in Jenni, not necessarily the artist, but the woman... it amazes me still.

Television takes you to an altogether different audience and directly to people's living room. On television, I'm being myself, and that's why people relate to me more.

I can't tone it down. I'm being me, and I'm being myself, and I'd be doing myself an injustice, and I'd be doing an injustice to those kids who don't feel like they're comfortable to be themselves.

When I first came to New York, I was surprised by all these out teenagers who were openly on the street being who they were. That intrigued me because I was 27 and still struggling with being myself.

Whenever anyone says I've taught them things by me being myself, I'm always like, 'Really? I just thought that was like, Wednesday for me. I was just wearing a kilt and a sleeveless top in a Rotary Club, it wasn't that big of a deal.'

People will come at me telling me to wear this or wear that. If I don't like it, I don't like it. They couldn't pay me to wear it. If it's something I can rock with, I'll rock it. I'm more interested in being completely authentic to me. In my opinion, being myself is making a statement.

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