I am from Scranton, PA.

Haters are fans in denial.

I can't explain witchcraft.

I'm like a witch! You can't kill me!

I was living in my coach's basement.

I don't find it distracting to be me.

I've been skating since I was 10 years old.

I would say that I'm a hot mess all the time.

I've always spoken my mind and from the heart.

It takes a lot of effort to look this mediocre.

There are so many emotions when I step on the ice.

I can't tone it down. I'm being me and being myself.

Growing up, I really didn't have a lot of role models.

I'm representing my country whether they like me or not.

I know that I can do myself better than anybody else can.

I enjoyed playing the other sports. I just sucked at them.

My mom always taught me to stand up for what I believe in.

Mike Pence doesn't stand for anything that I really believe in.

I can see my competitors sweating, and I am cool as a cucumber.

All the sacrifices my mom and family had made had been worth it.

Chris Martin has this voice that resonates through a whole arena.

I am usually wearing some sort of see-through when I am competing.

Honestly, it's really fun to be yourself. It's really fun to be me.

It might come off as cocky, but I've been through a lot in my life.

I know what it's like to be young and to feel like you don't belong.

I came out seven times in one weekend. I have a flair for the dramatic.

My mom has always taught me to stand up for people who don't have a voice.

If you ever have the option, come to the Olympics. It's, like, a fun time.

There's no such thing as a wardrobe malfunction - only a wardrobe opportunity.

Nobody loves me as much as I love me, so I guess I'll just be my own valentine.

I know I am delusional at times, but I'm not completely-out-of-touch delusional.

When you're not hiding anything, it's just very easy to be yourself - shockingly.

I feel so honored that I've had the opportunity to share my story with so many people.

Athletes are given a really special platform. It's our duty, as athletes, to be role models.

As a self-proclaimed cooking disaster, I try to makes things that I think I can easily master.

It's 2018, and being an openly gay man and an athlete, that is part of the face of America now.

I've used my sense of humor as a coping tool. It's gotten me through a lot of challenging times.

It bothers me so much that people have gone out of their way to make trans people feel less than.

I want to represent my country to the best of my abilities. I want to make Reese Witherspoon proud.

I'm not like a gay icon or America's gay sweetheart. I'm just America's sweetheart, and I'm just an icon.

I've never made a meal that I wasn't able to eat, but it that doesn't mean anyone else would ever eat it, haha!

I love to have my own story, my own path, and forge ahead because my career isn't going to be like anyone else's.

I think I've shown the world I'm a fierce competitor, yes. But I've also shown them that I'm a fierce human being.

For such a long time in my life, I didn't trust my own voice at all. I always tried to do what other people wanted.

I love being on Twitter and interacting with different people. Also, I very dangerously love to go shopping online!

The first time I ever sang in front of a crowd of people was, like, 10,000 people in Japan at a skating exhibition.

If I forgot to put something on, and I have to wear a trash bag, I'm just like, 'I'm gonna rock a trash bag today.'

As soon as I broke my foot, I remember thinking that I'm going to make this the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Being gay has never been a big deal to me, which is why it's a little funny to be getting all this attention about it.

I usually finish things in the last second. But I think, as I've gotten older, I don't worry about it, and I just rock it.

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