I get to remind myself and other people to be yourself, to rock you who you are, and don't worry about if it fits.

When you are in the public eye, you have to protect yourself. There are so many people judging you. I just try to be myself.

I call myself a FFP: former fat person, and when you're an FFP, you will always see in yourself what people used to bully you for.

I've introduced myself with comedy, and once you've introduced yourself as something, that's where people keep you. That's where people like to hold you.

I never quite became the monster I wanted to be. I feel mostly monstrous as I more become myself. Because the more you become yourself, the more it disturbs other people.

There are many people who say, 'I write for myself.' I think that if you write and publish, then you write for your readers, not just for yourself. Many writers say that they write to be loved. I place myself among those writers.

I've paved this road myself, and no one else has walked it the same exact way that I have. There are people that helped kick the door in, but it's really satisfying to be in a place where you know who you are and you've figured yourself out.

When I hit my thirties, that's when I calmed down and I wasn't so tough on myself. I wasn't doing the yo-yo dieting any more. I gave myself a break. I think that, if you're more accepting of yourself, you're more free and open and can just allow more people in.

I think, when I was younger, I was cooking to impress. Sometimes the dish would have 15 things on the plate. That's cooking only for yourself. As you get more mature, you take all the superfluous things away, and you get the essential flavor. Now I cook for people, not for myself.

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