We all live downstream

It turns out that all life is interconnected with all other life.

Things perfected by nature are better than those finished by art.

I thrive on production. It feels very much like a natural environment for me.

The benefits of letting produce finish on their plant, in its natural environment, is undeniable.

'Deracine' is French for uprooting, or someone who's been displaced from their natural environment.

If solar and wind farms are needed to protect the natural environment, why do they so often destroy it?

I'm not going to argue with scientists how much human activity affects natural environment, including climate.

Many of the environmental rules not only fail to protect the natural environment, they actually increase the damage.

Auditions are not a natural environment, and you feel judged, even though everyone is just excited to find the right person.

As we look to the future, we cannot improve our living standards while simultaneously degrading the natural environment around us.

We are going to learn how to relate to the Earth and our own natural environment here by looking seriously at space colony ecologies.

I'm very obsessed with the energy of New York and the idea of the way people behave in the city versus the way they behave in a natural environment.

An effective leader is able to reach people in their natural environment and extract their experiences and knowledge about the issues that impact them.

If you want to save the natural environment, you just use nuclear. You grow more food on less land, and people live in cities. It's not rocket science.

For anyone, taking yourself out of your natural environment and comfort zone is such a great way to reflect where you've come from and where you are going.

Regulation is necessary to protect our natural environment, keep our food and medicine safe, and ensure fair competition and fair treatment of our workers.

Only nuclear can lift all humans out of poverty while saving the natural environment. Nothing else - not coal, not solar, not geo-engineering - can do that.

I make photographs and still make photographs of the natural environment. It's a love because that was part of my life before I was involved in photography.

Our state's beautiful natural environment is part of why we all love and live in New Hampshire. It is also one of our state's most important economic assets.

We are in grave danger of losing forever not just millions of years of evolution on earth, but the eons of change that have produced man and his natural environment.

And although our bodies are bounded with skin, and we can differentiate between outside and inside, they cannot exist except in a certain kind of natural environment.

The weapons were conceived and created by a small band of physicists and chemists; they remain a cataclysmic threat to the whole of human society and the natural environment.

The jarring change going from an urban environment to an extremely remote natural environment is extremely inspiring. It's constantly stimulating, it's like a slap in the face.

I love Canada. The natural environment here is so inspiring. It never ceases to make me feel grounded and calm and to help put things in perspective. And I love Canadians. A lot.

Bankers cannot afford to be concerned with only the economic aspects of projects. There may be serious implications on the natural environment, the urban environment, on human culture.

When on the set of a film, you have to play natural for entire scenes in a very unnatural environment. You have to express emotions and interact with other actors and also use your voice.

Just as we demand that our governments address risks associated with terrorism or epidemics, we should put concerted pressure on them to act now to preserve our natural environment and curb climate change.

I had in mind a message, although I hope it doesn't intrude too badly, persuading Americans, and especially Southerners, of the critical importance of land and our vanishing natural environment and wildlife.

It's not an easy thing to captive-breed a falcon. You need to take extreme care of its diet and exercise and keep it close to its natural environment. Whenever the birds take ill, I only use Ayurveda to cure them.

We've built, drilled, and shipped indiscriminately across our oceans, with little consideration for the natural environment that is critical to the health of many of our other ocean uses, like food and recreation.

The heart of our relationship, this natural environment that has blessed us really all along the west coast of North America, on both sides of the border we've realized that this incredible natural wealth comes with a price.

We're busily wrecking the chances for future generations at a rapid rate of knots by not recognizing the damage we're doing to the natural environment, bearing in mind that this is the only planet that we know has any life on it.

The thing we often forget to talk about, or perhaps we take for granted, is our country's dazzling beauty. Our natural environment is so much a part of Australia's art, writing, music and culture, both indigenous and non indigenous.

The city of the future development will be shifted from the pursuit of material civilisation to the pursuit of nature. This is what happens after human beings experience industrial civilisation at the expense of the natural environment.

Poor decision making in government; the tragedy of short-term economic thinking; our national housing crisis: these are real 21st Century problems for our country. They are problems that can only be solved by genuinely fearless thinking about our natural environment.

If our economies are to flourish, if global poverty is to be banished, and if the wellbeing of the world's people enhanced - not just in this generation but in succeeding generations - we must make sure we take care of the natural environment and resources on which our economic activity depends.

Everything we think about regarding sustainability - from energy to agriculture to manufacturing to population - has a water footprint. Almost all of the water on Earth is salt water, and the remaining freshwater supplies are split between agricultural use and human use - as well as maintaining the existing natural environment.

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