Discretion is a very valuable asset.

You go through life and learn valuable lessons.

There are 320 million American dreams. Go get yours.

You can't confuse safety with religion or national origin.

To me, the worst thing is to just be knee-jerk and emotional.

Clubs shouldn't be counting on an owner just as a benefactor.

Urban living is an intersection of business and personal life.

When you hire in business, you don't worry about marquee value.

You have to have commercial income so you can spend on players.

My experience tells me the hard road is almost always the right road.

I own two species of the raptors - Falco peregrinus and Falco biarmicus.

I love it. In the NFL, you win or you lose, and the money still shows up.

Mohamed Al Fayed took Fulham from the second tier to where they are today.

I discovered the Four Seasons brand many years ago. There is a certain magic.

Jacksonville has exceptionally good talent in the areas of modality activities.

I have great confidence in Rene and high expectations for our squad to respond.

I'm from the colonies, so I remember when the sun never set on the British Empire.

This is a partnership really with the fans. They have to come and support the team.

I promise that no one wants to deliver a winner to Fulham supporters more than I do.

Washing dishes gave me the sense of empowerment and feeling that I control my destiny.

Nobody cares about '60 Minutes.' Everybody cares about the Jaguars. Isn't that amazing?

The NFL is one of the few sports where it's possible to tear things down and start again.

As a fan, there are times you get frustrated as to what you think a team ought to be doing.

I love architecture, but I learned early on that architects just don't make a lot of money.

The concept of head coach simply means being hyperfocused on the pitch and team performance.

I don't think it's any different if I'm in the U.S. or in London. I look at operations globally.

I've said this before: a homeless guy in Detroit has more mojo than a millionaire in Jacksonville.

If you aren't learning, you are regressing, because more growth comes from failure than from success.

The bedrock of this country are immigration and, really, a great separation between church and state.

Football is about as popular as it can be in the U.S. The upside, the expansion and growth lies overseas.

I learned analytics. It's a point of reference, of information. It has to be a factor in decision making.

The great thing about the NFL is that you get into it for love, and you realise it is a fabulous business.

It doesn't matter how hard you work, there are forces that kind of prevent you from being the best you can be.

I can help as chairperson, and Fulham can help our NFL effort. Collectively, these synergies will help everybody.

Manager Kit Symons sees our players daily. As a top-flight player not that long ago, Kit knows and feels the game.

People will stop me on the street, and they know - Jaguars. It's a certain street recognition we didn't have years ago.

I want to be clear: I do not view myself so much as the owner of Fulham but a custodian of the club on behalf of its fans.

As an engineer, I learned that a long time ago: you don't want to get into a rational discussion about irrational subjects.

Cold calling is about developing social skills and getting used to rejection. We are constantly selling something to somebody.

You balance sport and business by having a sustainable model for a club and by winning. Because winning makes people feel better.

You can do anything you want to do. You have to work hard, you have to create your own luck, and you have to have some luck also.

I've lived the American Dream and had a great life. Immigration and religion and racial tolerance are the foundation of this country.

I would encourage someone to go to Brazil and try to do business there. BRIC countries get a lot of hype, but business there is brutal.

Sashi will assume the general counsel responsibilities formerly held by Paul Vance, who is leaving the franchise after 18 years of service.

Basically, what I want to share with the Jacksonville fans is, here I am, reporting for duty and ready to serve the fans. Let the fun begin.

You have to take the time to live in a place to collect all the pieces, develop a vision. You can't just go to Home Depot and buy everything.

In the auto industry, I spent years perfecting processes. Now, the successes and failures don't get the kind of publicity obviously NFL football does.

Throwing money on the fire is normally not the solution to every problem. You put the fire out by listening to the people who are smarter than you are.

I have a huge affinity with London, and I have a lot of relatives here - now and before I was born. I pretty much look at London as the centre of the universe.

My priority is to ensure the club and Craven Cottage each have a viable and sustainable Premier League future that fans of present and future generations can be proud of.

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