Today.....I begin a new life".

In my new life, no room for a lost boy.

We have to breathe new life into Europe.

Words can not express the joy of new life.

It is an ancient story Yet is it ever new.

You make a new life by making new choices.

A confession has to be part of your new life.

The seed dies into a new life, and so does man.

Chess is life and every game is like a new life.

New life situations equal out to new kinds of songs.

This child whom we Love, Brings daylight Into our soul.

No one can begin a new life, unless he repent of the old.

I left the theater; I literally left to begin a new life.

The beginning of compunction is the beginning of a new life.

As if in the other side of his kiss there could ve a new life

Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.

I do reinvent old hits of mine and sort of give them a new life.

Poems are my link with the times, with the new life of my people.

Death is the prerequisite to resurrection, the new life God intends.

All I want to do is to go to America, get married and start a new life.

What's old collapses, times change, And new life blossoms in the ruins.

Tune into my new lifetime movie. 'Dislocated shoulder' airing right now.

Adultery breathes new life into marriages which have been left for dead.

I feel like I have a new life and I'm going to take full advantage of it.

I have a husband and a new life and want to be normal like everyone else.

I have been back in Paris for two weeks. Nothing new. Life is still bitter.

Amway gets people into a new life of excitement, promise, profit, and hope.

The band was rejuvenated by that wonderful day. It breathed new life into us.

Everyone thinks that a new place or a new identity will jumpstart a new life.

Meditate Silently. You will be able to create a totally new life for yourself.

I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day.

Perhaps there are just some things you leave behind when you choose a new life.

I just feel like I'm a very lucky person to have a new life outside of politics.

Joining a new church and starting a new life is never easy and often frightening.

In giving of yourself, you will discover a whole new life full of meaning and love.

He (Jesus) came so that we might receive new life through supernatural regeneration.

We are like the phoenix," said Abuelita. "Rising again, with a new life ahead of us.

What else remains for me? Youth, hope and love; To build a new life on a ruined life.

So I was beginning my new life as a anomaly, which figured about as much as it sucked.

I'm looking at a dead event and trying to give it new life. In a sense, I'm a taxidermist.

A joyous little creature, so beautiful, It was as if a gate of Heaven opened as she came in.

The Gospel offers forgiveness for the past, new life for the present, and hope for the future.

Preserve your history and become everlasting; receive new life from the times that have gone by.

I've got a new life now, a new future, there's a lot more to Lennox Lewis than just being a boxer.

In the 1960s, if you could save $500, you had enough to move to another city and start a new life.

I am a gate for God to accomplish great things. Through me and with me, new Life enters the world.

There is no such thing as death. We have all lived before and we are all going to experience new lives.

The births of my two girls were wonderful - I felt proud to have helped bring new life into this world.

It's a hard thing to imagine how somebody copes with grief and at the same time has to build a new life.

Buddha never rejected Hinduism, but he broadened its base. He gave it a new life and a new interpretation.

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