Be obscure clearly.

I like what's obscure.

Obscure, like muddy waters.

Facts can obscure the truth.

Hardship makes the world obscure.

Aiming at brevity, I become obscure.

When the situation is obscure, attack

Never be so brief as to become obscure.

Never be so brief as to become obscure.

The past is certain, the future obscure.

In trying to be concise I become obscure.

I strive to be brief, and become obscure.

I strive to be brief but I become obscure.

A Constitution should be short and obscure.

Experts always tend to obscure the obvious.

I strive to be brief, and I become obscure.

In labouring to be brief, I become obscure.

Compromise yourself. Obscure your own trail.

In labouring to be concise, I become obscure.

Things are more beautiful when they're obscure.

God and other artists are always a little obscure.

When I struggle to be terse, I end by being obscure.

The bands I like are not obscure at all. Far from it.

A good catchword can obscure analysis for fifty years.

Words, like glass, obscure when they do not aid vision.

Sometimes people get passionate about the obscure jokes.

It is when I struggle to be brief that I become obscure.

I'd rather hear an ugly truth, rather than an obscure lie.

I always thought of myself as a very, very obscure artist.

The function of a great library is to store obscure books.

To love it too much is to obscure and not see what is there.

I read a lot of obscure books and it is nice to open a book.

Dilemma of civilized man; body mobilized, but danger obscure.

Only the great masters of style ever succeed in being obscure.

Contempt for men pervades the most obscure strata of our society.

Be obscure clearly! Be wild of tongue in a way we can understand.

The more obscure our tastes, the greater the proof of our genius.

I still buy CDs and DVDs, but generally for more obscure material.

I see woefully obscure poetry as simply a kind of verbal rudeness.

We allow words to obscure the interpretation of the deeper meaning.

I keep saying, Shakespeare, Shakespeare, you are as obscure as life is.

Talent, like beauty, to be pardoned, must be obscure and unostentatious.

To ask for an explanation is to explain the obscure by the more obscure.

Talent, like beauty, to be pardoned, must be obscure and unostentatious.

You can be so dignified that you obscure the reality of what is going on.

I want my books to sell, to be read. I'm not interested in being obscure.

As an artist, you're always somewhat obscure. We're not talking Hollywood.

Human affairs are so obscure and various that nothing can be clearly known.

Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity.

I would perhaps like to go back to writing small books about obscure people.

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