At my age, if I make it up, it's still an old saying.

The old saying is: 'Time off is a wrestler's worst enemy.'

Any stigma, as the old saying is, will serve to beat a dogma.

There's an old saying, this too shall pass, and change is good.

It's an old saying that one still has to know something, despite everything.

As the old saying goes, I was simply looking for fan love, in Alderaan places.

There is an old saying: a champion is someone who is willing to be uncomfortable.

As the old saying goes, for somebody as famous as you, you don't need any introduction.

I believe in doing better work. Just like the old saying, 'You don't get older, you get better'.

There's an old saying that God exists in your search for him. I just want you to understand that I ain't looking.

The old saying holds. Owe your banker �1000 and you are at his mercy; owe him �1 million and the position is reversed.

There's an old saying that nothing good happens fast. I don't know if that's altogether true, but it does have some bearing on Bible study.

It is a big adjustment but I've always loved that old saying of Jack Nicklaus: 'I retired from golf to go to work.' That sums it up for me.

I love London. I know it's an old saying but there's always something to do, so much so that when you live here you end up not actually doing much!

There's that old saying: Squeeze the juice out of life before life squeezes the juice out of you. I will try to squeeze the remaining juice out of life.

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