Everything is a once in a lifetime experience.

A Love like this happens but once in a lifetime

Every man gets an opportunity once in a lifetime.

This kind of certainty comes but just once in a lifetime!

Today only happens once in a lifetime. Make the most of it.

Only once in a lifetime love rushes in, changing you with the tide.

One loves truly only once in a lifetime, Julian, even if one isn’t aware of it.

I've just been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. I'll tell you what, never again.

Every man is entitled to make a darn fool of himself at least once in a lifetime.

Cricketers like Sachin come once in a lifetime and I am privileged he played in my time

I had always wanted to name a daughter Hailey, after Halley's comet from Once in a Lifetime.

I tell this to my girls all the time: This journey we're on is a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity.

Managing in a foreign country will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience that doesn't come along that often

Frank (Frank Sinatra) is a singer who comes along once in a lifetime, but why did he have to come in mine?

'The Producers' is a sort of a once in a lifetime kind of phenomenon, and I was grateful to be a part of it.

You can't love anyone that way more than once in a lifetime. It's too hard and it hurts too much when it ends.

If this had ever happened before, it couldn't be happening now. That's what they mean by 'once in a lifetime'.

No one ever yet was the poorer in the long run for having once in a lifetime, let out all the length of all the reins.

The success of I Love Lucy is something that happens only once in a lifetime, if you are fortunate enough to have it happen at all.

It's sick that I experienced a once in a lifetime love - still as strong as the day it happened - & have been punished every single day since.

From the economy to national security to government ethics, the Republican nominee promised once-in-a-lifetime change if he is elected Nov. 8.

Cricketers like Jadeja come once in a lifetime, and I am sorry he didn’t play in my time. Could have added a few more cheap wickets to my tally.

History says, Don’t hope On this side of the grave, But then, once in a lifetime The longed-for tidal wave Of justice can rise up, And hope and history rhyme

It was a once in a lifetime thing. I hate to think it but I bet it's true. It's too bad for us that our once in a lifetime happened when were too young to handle it.

I have long had a theory Bill Clinton-Hillary Clinton relationship. Not how they met, not that story, not the courtship or any of that. But how it happened that this once-in-a-lifetime woman.

I grew up on the island, Trinidad to be exact, and I never thought it would be possible. These sort of things happen once in a lifetime. I just know God is bigger than me and everything I do is to serve and please Him.

I've been to the combine a couple of times since I've graduated to see the talent coming through. It's about keeping tabs on who's coming up next. I tell them "You've got to deliver. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." You've got to be sure to succeed in it.

To be alive is a fine thing. It is the finest thing in the world, though hazardous. It is a unique thing. It happens only once in a lifetime. To be alive, to know consciously that you are alive, and to relish that knowledge -- this is a kind of magic. Or it may be a kind of madness, exhilarating but harmless.

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