Shift often from openness to closure.

Faith is a state of openness or trust.

My career is based on openness and honesty.

Men shout to avoid listening to one another.

The spirit of jazz is the spirit of openness.

What I love is the openness of collaboration.

Openness and softness of heart loves what it knows

Presumption must be quenched even more than a fire.

Joy and openness come from our own contented heart.

Lucasfilm has always had an openness to technology.

The main character of any living system is openness.

Labour is the party of internationalism and openness.

Openness, patience, receptivity, solitude is everything.

There's just some magic in truth and honesty and openness.

I'm somebody's who's in favor of transparency and openness.

He who listens to truth is not less than he who utters truth.

Accessibility and openness are good politics but bad security.

You are able to come from openness and softness in an instant.

Two things I'm trying to work on are openness and flexibility.

Faith is, above all, openness; an act of trust in the unknown.

If I create anything, I create the atmosphere of trust and openness.

Openness and participation are antidotes to surveillance and control.

We cannot sow seeds with clenched fists. To sow we must open our hands.

Human beings seek community, and permanent openness is hard to sustain.

Openness about death has led to greater care about all aspects of dying.

I like a nice rumble on bass, openness on guitar and drums that breathe.

Empathy is important, openness, honesty, and an understanding for others.

We are a country based on democracy, tolerance, and openness to the world.

The secret of the Internet's success has been its openness to new services.

Openness is something any teacher strives to instill in his or her students.

True strength lies in openness and working in concert with people and events. need openness and inability to do anything other than get to the point.

Openness without strength is useless; strength without openness is oppression.

More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life.

Every advance in civilization has been denounced as unnatural while it was recent

American power in the world relies on these ideals of openness and critical debate.

Through the trials and tribulations of life come the openness to receive greatness.

Open yourself and flow, my friend. Flow in the total openness of the living moment.

Britain is characterized not just by its independence but, above all, by its openness.

The thing about the Internet is the openness. People can link to each other themselves.

I love the American openness and use of language; I just don't know how to be that way.

Openness doesn’t come from resisting our fears but rather from getting to know them well.

Actors require flexibility, a kind of openness and readiness to leave their comfort zone.

We must honor our country's tradition of openness and continue to welcome new immigrants.

Human societies vary in lots of independent factors affecting their openness to innovation.

People have different interpretations of my work, and I like that flexibility and openness.

There's no such thing as an absolute openness. Openness is relative, I think, in all societies.

Trust is not bound up with knowledge so much as it is with freedom, the openness to the unknown.

I kind of cherish at least the idea of Midwestern candor and openness. But I couldn't live there.

One of America's strengths has always been its openness to the new: both new ideas and new people.

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