Bigger shows, songs on the radio, more people aware of what I'm doing… all that, I'm ready!

I think I used to do everything and then people had a problem with that within the band, so we're doing more of a communal thing.

I think 'Dead Poets' was probably my favorite, just to get started with the idea of doing a movie that people treated as more than a movie.

Generous people can become more generous as they become richer, giving away vast fortunes to worthwhile causes as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are doing.

Since Chris Albrecht took over the network, I think more and more people are finding Starz. He made HBO what HBO became, and now he's doing the same thing at Starz.

A lot of people over the years have been doing yoga and I think even more these days are expressing an interest in it. So there are a lot of manifestations of spirituality here in town.

A democracy is predicated on an educated citizenry. You cannot have a democracy with people that are more interested in what Nicole Kidman is doing or whoever the latest fashion model is.

Something like reading depends a lot on just having people around you who talk to you and read you books, more than sitting down and, say, doing a reading drill when you're 3 or 4 years old.

If you are well known at something else, you get points for doing stuff which lots of other people do, and much more, and they don't get any points at all. You get over-praised, over-credited.

Playing in front of 25,000 people and millions more on television, and performing and doing what I worked so hard to try to accomplish was, in my opinion, the ultimate. Do I miss it? Of course I do.

More and more people are getting turned out of their corporations and laid off. As more people leave that behind, they're tapping into their own skill sets and talents and doing something for themselves.

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