New York is in my soul.

I over-think stuff a lot.

Birth is a beautiful thing.

Forgive them even if they are not sorry

Desire is individual. Happiness is common.

Just slow it down enough to enjoy the ride.

A band is a good way to break up a friendship.

If it doesn't start with you, it dies with you.

Who you are vs. who you wish you were: Who wins?

It's not like I wake up and songs flow out of me.

I enjoy songwriting. It's slow-motion improvising.

No one leaves an old friend unless they are ashamed.

We're so quick to point out our own flaws in others.

The best solutions are often simple, yet unexpected.

I am a fan of 'SNL' and a big Jimmy Fallon fan, too.

Don't you dare get to the top and not know what to do.

I'm happy to feed the illusion that I'm a lazy recluse.

But it can be hard to experiment when you're in a band.

I mean, I guess you could say I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

Art is the image of life, it's purpose simply to enhance it.

Make sure your heart is singing right until the day it stops.

With a hundred ways to do a dozen things, why not try it all?

I always want to make Strokes records and play Strokes shows.

Greed is the inventor of injustice as well as the current enforcer.

My parents separated when I was eight. I grew up with my mom alone.

Vanity can easily overtake wisdom. It usually overtakes common sense.

Religion is never the problem; it's the people who use it to gain power.

No matter who I'm talking to, I always talk like I'm doing an interview.

That it's a lot harder to make a keyboard sound not-cheesy than a guitar.

Kids are always honest, 'cause they don't think they're ever going to die.

I think you can only get closer to satisfaction but you never fully arrive.

Compared to people in Africa, I think we've all had privileged upbringings.

Can our mind evolve to be something other than an extension of our animal needs?

People are always arguing: New York or L.A.? They're both great places, you know.

The thing for me is I never had this burning desire to do a solo record my whole life.

I think a lot of people study the rules too much and then don't know how to be creative.

A band is a great way to destroy a friendship, and a tour's a great way to destroy a band.

It find it funny how people from Boston and New York hate each other because of pro teams.

Sometimes I've sat outside, not to tan, but as a result of that I ended up tanning slightly.

Making an album can be like being pregnant: you want to pop that thing out and show everybody!

The problem with touring isn't the traveling and the shows, it's the vegetal state you get into.

Boarding school didn't feel like my world, I felt like an alien; people there had a lot of money.

Working on music is the funnest thing for me, and I love it, and I could do it all day, all night.

The British press can be so annoying. They jerk you off with one hand and smack you with the other.

I'm not a pop song lyric writer. I can't just focus on one simple meaning or even a double entendre.

I don't really care about clothes, but it's about wearing something that gives you social confidence.

People often put me in a V-neck tennis club sweater, driving a Bentley, but my life wasn't like that.

The way Lou Reed wrote and sang about drugs and sex, about the people around him - it was so matter-of-fact.

You know some of the people in The Strokes, yeah, their parents had success - but we didn't live like yuppies.

I'm really grateful. But I never had the rock star dream. I thought it would be cool to be a modern-day composer.

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