It's important you think positively not negatively. Think about your loved ones and all the people who are behind you.

I don't think people realise how important it is to have your blood pressure checked. Stroke is so sudden, so catastrophic.

Many people may say that luck is important, but I think you create your own luck by working hard to ensure you don't miss opportunities.

The most important part of any acquisition is your ability to culturally integrate the people in the companies you acquire and your company.

It's important for people who criticise architects - whether what they build is or isn't to your taste - to appreciate how they devote themselves and put everything into bringing a building into existence.

LA can be a very open and accepting creative environment. But it is important, because there is this odd separation here, it is important to make your kids mindful of other people and other people's plight.

Your spouse, a sibling, a friend need to read your drafts. They have to be people unafraid to tell you what sucks. For early feedback, that's more important than professional editorial skill. Most people know what sucks.

It's very important as a startup to get early press because, although it may not be a large number of people, having a 'Fast Company' story - some of those people that read it are going to be your next employees and hires, your next investors.

As an actor, I think it's really important to be as anonymous as possible. It's your job to convince people that you are somebody else, and so any recognition I'd get away from the screen - well, it's not something I actively seek. To be honest with you, I'm surprised anybody does.

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