I could easily not be the person that people know.

People want to know that I'm a person of conviction.

Every person has a signature. Just some people don't know it yet.

A lot of times people hide their quirks when they're first getting to know a person.

I guess I knew I was a people person, but I didn't know how much till I had a podcast.

The people have the right to know whether or not the person they elect has the capacity to represent them.

People might think Chip is just this goofy guy, and he is a goofy guy. But he's also the bravest person I know.

I know people from working with them on films, but they're not the ones I would meet up with... I'm just a normal person!

I just think it's useful for people to know that even if you are off the telly you're just an ordinary person who uses the Tube.

I mainly would use Tinder for people I would know - I would swipe instead of going up to them in person and asking for their number.

Some people think I can only do fancy; I don't know why. I'm a pretty easy person, really. Low maintenance. I get on with things, and I'm comfortable anywhere.

I think, when I meet a person, in general, it's not my habit to conclude anything about people. Not completely. Even people you know well constantly remain open.

I heard Springsteen was an unhappy person. I don't know, I haven't read his biography. But a lot of people in my field should be a lot more unhappy than they are.

I think Clinton fatigue was a real thing. It's just hard to get comfortable with Gore - it was hard for him to project who he is, the person people know in private.

There is a difference between the typical politician and the statesman. A typical politician is that person who tells people what people want to hear, while the statesman tells people what people need to know.

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