I want people to see themselves in a person. I never want someone to aspire to be someone else.

Lots of people let it go by and never accomplish what they want. I just wanted to see what I could do.

I'm a once in a lifetime professional wrestler. I'm something that people are never going to get to see again.

I never get used to going out and seeing 20, 30,000 people that are there to see us play. It's kind of surreal.

I really don't despise anyone. But there is a list of a half dozen people I would prefer never to hear from or see again.

People used to see things that disgusted them and say, 'I never want to see that again.' Now we've reached the point where we see things that are disturbing and revolting to us, but we want to see more and more of it.

It was never my desire to revolutionize fashion, to make clothes that could be in a museum. I want to create clothes that have a certain style, but I want to see them used. I want to see people enjoy the things I've made.

The Department of Homeland Security knows of the millions of aliens who are in the United States legally and that's data that's never been bounced against the state's voter rolls to see whether these people are registered.

I never understood who all those people are behind the actors! When you see them on the red carpet on TV, you go, 'Why does that person need such a large entourage?' And then you realize that every single person there has a role to play.

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