You can't abandon an audience you created, because people will find someone else.

Even if Narendra Modi sneezes, people will find a reason to criticise him for that.

I find that when you open the door toward openness and transparency, a lot of people will follow you through.

It's no longer possible to find something which will shock other people, because everything has already been done.

Solutions will not be found while Indigenous people are treated as victims for whom someone else must find solutions.

People will sooner aid a sick dog lying on the sidewalk than to try to find shelter for a sick person. It's too much to deal with.

Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.

The American people will eventually get hurt by this accumulated deficit. That's the problem. We have too much deficit. We have to find a solution.

Tutoring follows the lucrative philosophy of advertising: if you can manufacture a need, people with disposable resources will find ways to fill it.

We are trying to find drugs, small molecules, that people could take to make them disease-resistant, more youthful and healthy. Eventually we will find them.

Our economy is robust and will remain strong as more Americans who want a job find one. Republican economic policies based on tax relief are working for the American people.

People say, 'Well, why don't you talk about being vegetarian?' And I'm like, 'People will find out.' The people who are interested in what I do and why I do it, being a vegetarian is a big part of that.

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