It's always been young people at the forefront of any revolution.

People always want to see that, the young lion going to take the old lion out.

Yeah, yeah. I, I don't think I'm always right. But I don't think young people are always right, either.

People don't realize who this band is always been because we're so young, and it's hard to get over that stigma.

The modern designers are quite showy, and a lot of the young people really like it. Costume jewelry has always been about being noticed and not discreet.

What I always wanna tell young people now: Pay attention. This isn't gonna happen again. Rather than try to understand it as it's going along, have it go along for a while and then understand it.

I have always aspired towards other people's looks. When I was young, I loved teddy boys; I thought they looked wonderful. Then I was a cowboy in Arizona, really for the clothes! I had a ranch for five years; I had chaps made of bearskin.

I find it always pleasurable talking with young people, particularly those aspiring to be writers, out of nostalgia, and because I've always felt that we oldies can learn so much from them and draw from them inspiration in our flagging and rickety years.

I've always liked TV shows that have slightly unlikable leads, where you root for them in spite of a lot of things. I know it's not common with shows with young people; they have to be so likable. But, I mean, teenagers just generally aren't very likable. I know I wasn't as a teenager.

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