Personal power is a feeling, like life.

Wisdom and power follow endurance and patience.

Personal power means being secure and confident inside yourself.

Change provides us with experiences that we convert to personal power.

Power comes from leading a controlled life, a happy life, a perky life.

Power is emotionless; yet one with personal power will experience more emotions.

Freedom is within oneself. But to get beyond the thoughts and desires requires power.

What will increase one person's personal power will not necessarily be the same for another.

Everything that we do involves energy, personal power. The more energy we have, the more we can accomplish.

You can measure your power in your ability to stop thought. The longer you can stop thought, the more powerful you are.

A lot of us don’t get a sense of our personal power. I know the vast difference that one person can make in changing things.

What is will? It is a decision. It is a decision to be something. We really aren't anything in particular. We can be anything. That's the good news.

Personal power is something that is not visible. We can see its effects, but we cannot see power itself. In the same way, we see the effects of wind, but we cannot actually see the wind.

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