When I am talking to people who I feel don't like me or are mean, I get really shy, and I kind of curl up personality wise.

To me, somebody can say what they want about me all day, whether it's my game or my personality or who I am as a human being.

I am an Addictive Personality, they say, a natural slave to passion - and many Doctors have warned me against it. I am a High-risk Patient.

I have the personality where, although my ego can be healthy, sometimes I also feel like people won't remember me, or they won't know who I am.

I am an artist, and I will always be working. But a film should match my personality and should be primarily based on a woman for me to go forward with it.

I feel that modelling has groomed my personality and made me a confident person, but even today, when I go on the ramp, I get nervous. I am more comfortable being in front of the camera than walking on the ramp.

I am absolutely okay with jokes on me now, but initially, yes, I was perturbed ki why me? I am not a personality on whom jokes are made randomly. Later, I was like, if everyone is enjoying jokes on me, even I should laugh it off instead of opposing them.

It's difficult for me to really temper my personality, but I am trying to be a little more sensible about it. If I really lose my temper, I go to my room and scream and shout, but I try not to lose it on people any more. I've never said something mean just like that. I've only said things in retaliation.

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