The creative process can sustain itself throughout the entire celebration of photography.

We know photographers make frames, but we deeply believe they can also create frameworks.

You become technically proficient whether you want to or not, the more you take pictures.

My best work is often almost unconscious and occurs ahead of my ability to understand it.

A good photographer can make you look incredible, even when you're not feeling very sexy.

When you are a photographer, you work all the time, because your eye is the first camera.

A photographer is responsible for creating a climate in which they can do their best work.

I'd very much like to create my own style as a photographer, even if it's just for myself.

You have to focus on what you are doing, not just as a photographer, but as a human being.

You are responsible for every part of your image, even the parts you’re not interested in.

If you look very intensely and slowly things will happen that you never dreamed of before.

Thus, during the winter of 2003 I ventured into a new arena as a professional photographer.

I am a hobbyist photographer so I relate to the visual arts that way, but Im not a painter.

My relationships with producers or photographers - these are relationships that took years.

Many photographers think they are photographing nature when they are only caricaturing her.

It's weird being a photographer because you really have to divorce yourself from the image.

I used to call myself a war photographer. Now I consider myself as an antiwar photographer.

And your own life while it's happening to you never has any atmosphere until it's a memory.

Photographers must learn not to be ashamed to have their photographs look like photographs.

I've been a photographer all these years... I haven't been in my own darkroom for 10 years.

Pictures you have taken have an influence on those that you are going to make. That's life!

Believing in one’s own art becomes harder and harder when the public response grows fonder.

I am a hobbyist photographer so I relate to the visual arts that way, but I'm not a painter.

Photographs are never records of the way things are; they're records of the way things were.

A photographer cannot be inexperienced, or too mature. A photographer ought to be half-ripe.

My family was very unhappy about my becoming a photographer - profoundly and deeply unhappy.

If a photographer cares about the people before the lens and is compassionate, much is given.

Teachers don't work in the summer, and photographers don't shoot in in the middle of the day.

I love going out and it is a bit sad when the photographers stop asking you for your picture.

My mum was very interested in art and liked to write, and my dad was a hobbyist photographer.

The artist and the photographer seek the mysteries and the adventure of experience in nature.

I'm a head-shot photographer. I have people come to my apartment, and I take their head shots.

I certainly never wanted to be a photographer to bore myself. It's no fun - life is too short.

Photography is not about the thing photographed. It is about how that thing looks photographed.

Main thing is just to remember that hard work got me here and only hard work will keep me here.

One of my all-time favorite photographers is Irving Penn. I wish I could have watched him work.

A lot of models achieve that kind of iconic position by working primarily with one photographer.

The present challenge to the photographer is to express inner significance through outward form.

I didn't take inspiration from other photographers, which in a way helped to find my own images.

The best lesson I was given is that all of life teaches, especially if we have that expectation.

Experience has shown that the more fascinating the subject, the less observant the photographer.

A photographer doesn't just copy reality, but communicates to others what he or she experiences.

A picture means I know where I was every minute. That's why I take pictures. It's a visual diary.

I've learned over the years that when you get a clue to another possibility to follow it through.

The celebrity-making machine-photographers, paparazzi, press and stuff like that-can be ruthless.

Instagram is great but I'm not an amazing photographer and I don't wanna post selfies constantly.

Photographers stop photographing a subject too soon before they have exhausted the possibilities.

Each picture you take has power as long as it brings experience to the person who’s looking at it.

People are at their best when they can be natural. And that's the hardest thing as a photographer.

And most of my early pictures failed but about one in a 100 somehow looked better than what I saw.

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